home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Optimise E Sources with MUI macros, after Mac2E preprocess */
- options results /* enable return codes */
- /* not started by GoldEd ? */
- if (LEFT(ADDRESS(), 6) ~= "GOLDED") then address 'GOLDED.1'
- 'LOCK CURRENT QUIET' /* lock GUI, gain access */
- if rc then exit
- options failat 6 /* ignore warnings */
- signal on syntax /* ensure clean exit */
- 'REQUEST TITLE="Select Source with MUI macros" PATH="'path'" FILE VAR MUIFILE'
- if rc=0 then do
- address command 'EDEVICE:OptiMUI2E >NIL: 'muifile' 'muifile''
- 'REQUEST STATUS="Source file optimized !"'
- 'OPEN NAME="'muifile'" AGAIN'
- end
- else 'REQUEST STATUS=" Can''t optimise source file !"'
- exit
- syntax:
- say "Sorry, error line" SIGL ":" ERRORTEXT(RC) ":-("
- exit